Monday, October 15, 2007

Travel Minis

On a scale of one to genius, Target is right up there with the brilliantest. (you know what we mean) Aside from being one of the only U.S. destinations to fully stock that serum, they've also got an entire aisle full of miniature toiletries ranging from deodorant to contact lens solution to hand cream- and all fit perfectly into a small clear ziplock bag. Who said that size mattered?

So what are you waiting for? Go There Girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't gone there yet but I'm on my way girl! Thanks for the tip - I travel a ton for work and I just don't feel like packing up the whole thing every single time. And - I usually just end up leaving the stuff behind anyway - and feel all guilty about wasting it all.

I know where I'm going today!
Keep on going girl - love the tips!
