Did you know that New Jersey has something called The Skylands which features if not equally spectacular views, incredibly impressive ones? Don't feel bad, we didn't know either until we visited Crystal Springs Golf Resort and Spa in Vernon.
Where to begin? Shall we wax rhapsodic over our palatial accomodations at the Grand Cascades Lodge? You know, the condo that was so enormous we could easily have tucked two of our NYC apartments into it. Maybe it was the indoor and outdoor fireplaces that did it. Or the view from our room of the biosphere, a neat little enclosed area that features an underground aquarium, caves (no, really- caves!) and lush tropical foliage. More than likely it was the nearby Minerals Spa (though Crystal Springs is in the process of building their own spa), or 50,000 rich wine cellar. It's quite possible though that it was the food at Restaurant Latour, at which Chef Michael Weisshaupt graciously created what was quite possibly the most delicious vegetarian treats for us that we have ever tasted in our entire non-carnivorous lives. It couldn't have been the golf, since we don't play, or the skiing, since we were there off season. We suspect that it also had something to do with the long walks through the property and breathtaking views of the Kittatinny Mountains.
More than anything it was the ability to realize that barely an hour away from the City is a truly spectacular escape from the noise and dirt and every day life, that left us feeling refreshed, energized and more than ready for another visit.
Crystal Springs Resort. Route 94, Vernon, New Jersey, 973. 827.5996
So what are you waiting for? Go There Girl!
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